Sunday 8 February 2015

Get Fit Log #3

It's becoming harder to push myself to keep up regular activity and stretching, but I'm not surprised at all. Now that the excitement of my new fitness goal has subsided a bit, like with anything, the real test is to keep it up!

Activity: 5-minute walk/run
Stretched: No

Activity: Walked 3 miles
Stretched: No

Activity: Ran/walked for 4 and a half minutes and (separately) walked 3.5 miles
Stretched: Yes

Activity: Nothing – ill. :(
Stretched: Nope.

Activity: Walked over 6 miles!
Stretched: No

Activity: Walked 4.3 miles and taught performance arts to a group of 4 – 7 year-olds, including a super energetic warm-up: I was exhausted by the end!
Stretched: No: I’m really struggling to keep this up this week! I have been very busy with auditions prep though.

Activity: Walked/Ran for 4 minutes and 40 seconds
Stretched: No! Aaaargh.

So as you can see, this week has definitely been more of a struggle. It’s mostly down to being busier, which in itself will be making me more active anyway so I don’t feel too awful about that, but I do feel a bit disappointed in myself that I’ve been so slack with keeping up my stretches. I’m going to make more of an effort this week with it though, especially as I’m going to be quite busy again, so it’ll be a test of my willpower!

Wendy x

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